大阪府公立高校入試における外部検定 導入で高まる英語力底上げへの期待

大阪府公立高校入試における外部検定 導入で高まる英語力底上げへの期待


【English follows Japanese】



大阪英語換算表(Osaka Prefectural High School Entrance Examination English Score Conversion Chart)

 The introduction of external examinations in Osaka Prefecture's public high school entrance examinations raises expectations for raising the level of English language proficiency.

Osaka is known as the 'kitchen of the nation' during the Edo period (1603-1867) and prospered as the commercial centre of Japan. Although news coverage since the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011 has tended to lean towards Tokyo, in the field of education, Osaka Prefecture's initiatives to create global and innovative human resources have caught the attention of the public. One of these is the reform of high school entrance examinations, which is linked to the development of human resources.

From 2017, Osaka Prefecture will allow the use of external English language examinations and will guarantee scores regardless of the performance of the English examination on the day of the examination. The guaranteed score is 90 points for the full score of the exam on the day (90 points for each of the five subjects), multiplied by 80%, for example, by 72 points for Eiken Grade 2. And for Grade pre-1, the score is multiplied by 100, and the higher score is adopted, depending on how well you perform in the same-day exam.



Only 344 people made use of external certification tests when they were introduced in 2017. However, six years later, in spring 2022, the number is more than ten times higher, at 3491. The majority of these, 2,627, were from the top 10 schools, with the proportion of students who took the test from the top 10 schools jumping from 37% last year to 55%, one in two of whom had guaranteed scores. The more difficult schools that use English C questions have higher usage rates. The reason for this is that the C questions are more difficult than Grade 2 questions, which, as can be seen from past papers available on the internet, are similar to the common university tests in which long-text reading comprehension is key.

*In Osaka Prefecture’s public high school entrance examinations, the English, Japanese and mathematics tests are divided into three categories according to difficulty, and last year, 26 prefectural high schools used the C questions.


The table below shows the ranking of the use of external examinations in Osaka Prefecture’s public high school entrance examinations. Within the top 15, the top 10 schools are all ranked in the top 10, all of which are funded by the Osaka Prefectural Government on a priority basis.


The tendency is stronger in the higher ranked of the 10 schools, with 94% of examinees at Kitano in the northern part of the prefecture’s twin prefectural high schools and 80% at Tennoji in the southern part holding Grade 2 or above of the English Proficiency Test (EIKEN). In other words, it is equivalent to requiring students to have at least Grade 2 of EIKEN.




Challenges in introducing external examinations that have emerged

Some teachers at the high school level said that there was an impression that the number of students who were burnt out by aiming for the Eiken advanced level and did not prepare for the examinations on the same day was increasing. That was before, and now that obtaining Eiken Grade 2 has become a de facto prerequisite, and C questions have become somewhat easier, it is necessary to have an attitude of not neglecting regular study along with obtaining Eiken Grade 2.

The balanced placement of the three skills in the entrance examinations for 2019 (Graph above)is probably due to feedback from the field. I would like to see further reforms to foster a ‘speaking’ attitude in order to bring it closer to the ideal.

Note : “Writing” here refers to writing questions that test thinking skills, such as summarising one’s thoughts in English, and excludes mechanical Japanese-English translation questions.




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